Friday 10 February 2012

Bigger Stronger Heavier

16 weeks ago during my second physio visit, my physiotherapist took measurements of both my legs. She recorded the circumference around three separate areas of each leg. Last week, after 75 physiotherapy sessions, we decided it was time we took the measurements again. Especially as you could now see a visible increase in their size.

While my right leg is still a little smaller than my left, both legs have increased by about the same amount. In 3.5 months the circumference of each of my calves has increased by over 2cm. My lower quads by nearly 6cm. And my upper thighs by almost 8cm. I suppose this helps explain how I've been able to put on so much weight. Or should I say, where I've been able to put on some of the weight. My arms are also stronger and noticeably larger than they were 4 months ago. I have been walking with crutches for nearly 7 months now and going to physio 5-6 times a week for 4 months, it'd be shocking if they weren't stronger.

Over the last 4 months I've managed to put on just about 20 lbs. I'm now only a couple pounds shy of weighing what I have weighed on average for the past 9 years. The healthy years anyway. This doesn't even take into consideration the 11 lbs removed during my surgery. I have finally put on enough weight that I no longer feel it necessary to add on or explain the 11 lbs to make what I weigh sound less unhealthy. I won't stop here. I will continue to push myself (so will my physiotherapist) and become stronger and put on more weight in the process. Who knows, maybe I'll be able to beat my record for the most I've ever weighed (at the time I was on my university's rowing team). 18 lbs to go! ... 7 lbs if I get to count the missing 11 ;)

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