Tuesday 31 July 2012

So Behind

I know. I know. It's been ages since I've updated my blog. I've definitely fallen a little behind. Finding time to write new posts slowly became more and more of a challenge as I went back to work and now that it's the summer there seems to be even fewer free hours and weekends to get caught up. I appreciate all of my readers and hope this hasn't discouraged you from continuing to follow me. I plan on writing several new posts for all the stories and events I've missed from this month and hopefully you will all be caught up shortly. Stay tuned for posts about adventures at my cottage, climbing a 100ft tower and other random happenings.

1 comment:

  1. hello! I just saw your YouTube vid and thought I would fall off my chair!! I had the same cancer, in the same place as a child, and due to radiation my femur and hemipelvis are disintegrating and may one day collapse completely (the femural head and neck have already disintegrated). I felt so alone in dealing with this condition as it's pretty rare, but like you I am a very stubborn survivour!!
    I would love to make contact with you, on Facebook or via email, if you would be willing.
