Thursday 13 October 2011

Physio: Day 1

I finally got the reaction I've been looking for. But I will come back to that in a moment.

Today was my very first physiotherapy appointment since getting out of the hospital. My surgeon gave me the go ahead for physio after my 2 month follow up. He was happy with my recovery so far and determined that the scar tissue had filled in enough and was doing what it needed to for me to progress to the next step, physio and putting weight on my right leg. By no means can I put all my weight on the leg just yet but I have tried putting a little weight on it each day.

I booked my physio appointment last week and have been looking forward to, as well as fearing the appointment ever since. I was excited to start the next part of my recovery and the sooner I started physiotherapy, the sooner I might be walking again. At the same time, the idea of starting physio was a little scary. I know they say the only true failure is never trying, or something like that, but I prefer to try new things on my own. That way if I happen to fail no one sees me. I know they aren't really failures when you're trying to push yourself to the next level of recovery but it's hard to remember that sometimes. Especially when it's something that should be so easy as... well walking. Fear or no fear it was time to start physio.

Now back to the reaction. I brought along a copy of my pelvic xray to give the physiotherapist a better idea/image of what exactly I had done. Yes I had filled in the line on the new patient form that wanted the reason for coming to physio and I could explain, as best I can, what was done, but nothing says it like actually looking at that xray. Her response to seeing the xray was perfect. Exactly what I had been looking for from the xray technicians a month ago. Finally! Even with her training and background, it was like nothing she had ever seen before.

I feel a whole lot better about going to physio now. I really like my physiotherapist. It probably doesn't hurt that she's excited and intrigued by my case. She's young and very nice. She sounds like she knows what she's talking about but wasn't afraid to admit that she wasn't 100% sure what approach to take with me and that she wasn't able to give me a timeline for progression. She wants to get in touch with my surgeon and aquire some more information about the surgery before she can create a complete plan for me. If she had dived right in without hesitation I would have been very sceptical.

The other great thing about this place, other than it's only 215m from my apartment, is they are a collaborative practice that has doctors, chiropractors, a chiropodist/podiatrist, rehabilitative pilates and other specialties. As I progress we'll be able to take advantage of these other areas for my rehabilitation and eventually having a shoe lift made. Although she did joke that she didn't want to share me with anyone else.

I'm sure it will be some time before I have a significant update but as soon as I have anything worth mentioning, I will.

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