Monday 5 September 2011

Anticipated X-Ray

Tomorrow is the day I've been waiting for! Or at least a day I've been waiting for.

I have been looking forward to this day for some time now. The anticipation started back before my surgery. After finding out what was going to be done during my operation, the complete removal of the right side of my pelvic bone, I started thinking about this day. Obviously it wasn't immediately after or on the same day but after getting the news I began to look for the 'positives' in the situation, some humorous, some more serious. This was one of them.

Tomorrow I will be having an x-ray done as part of a checkup. Of course it won't be my surgeon or any of my doctors administering the x-ray but an x-ray technician. This being said, when you have an x-ray done they do not have your entire medical file. The only thing available to them is the requisition for the x-ray being done. In my case, chest and right pelvic x-ray. Now this is the best part. Without my medical chart or any background information, the technician has no idea what has been done to me or what my medical condition is. His/her only clue would be my crutches and I may have them for any number of reasons.

Perhaps it's a little cruel but I have to get my laughs somehow. My ideal scenario goes a little something like this. Tomorrow I go in for an x-ray. I change into the required gown. The technician calls me in, gets me into position and then leaves the room to "snap" the x-ray. He/she comes back into the room, noticeably confused but trying to keep a neutral expression. I'm then asked some vague question regarding any previous surgeries or something like that. I'd love to respond (with a lie) that I've had nothing done or at the very least pause long enough like I'm having a hard time coming up with anything. I'm not sure that I'll have the guts to go through with this though. Lets say I do. Following my reply, I can only anticipate a worried look creeping across the technician's face. They would try to maintain the same calm facial expression but I'd see the change. At that point I'd fill them in on my surgery. Don't want them freaking out inside or panicking for too long.

As with all things, I'm sure this won't go exactly as I imagine it. In all likely hood, most of this won't come true. It would be really great if it did though. At the very least I'm sure the technician is going to be quite shocked/surprised. I can only imagine their face(s) in the other room as my x-ray comes up on the screen. Absolutely nothing appearing where a fairly large and very important bone should be.

Guess we'll see how it plays out tomorrow.

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