Tuesday 19 July 2011

My First Steps

How many of you remember your first steps? I'm guessing you don't. I certainly don't remember mine but yesterday I took "my first steps" for the second time this lifetime. And I will always remember them. As the day drew closer I became more and more excited. A great deal of the excitement was just looking forward to getting out of bed but getting this first step of my rehab underway was also huge.

On Monday July 18th (exactly 9 months after being diagnosed with cancer; 12 days post-opt) at about 10am I was ready to take my first step. The day came a couple weeks earlier than all my doctors and physiotherapists had anticipated so they were already impressed. Their expectations for me that day were to sit up with my legs over the edge of the bed and stand up with a walker if I was feeling up to it. Not only did I complete these with little difficulty but I was ready to progress from there. With the help of a walker I took my first step... and then about 50 more steps after that.

My parents were there to witness the event and of course my dad wanted to get it on video. He said it was just like watching me take my first steps some 25 years ago. He's been showing it to anyone and everyone who is willing to watch the video. I think even if you didn't want to see the video he'd show you anyway. I don't blame him, it's a pretty big deal.

My first steps were obviously the highlight of the day. I don't think anything could possible top that moment. Although there is one other action that came very close yesterday, for me anyway. I was anticipating some discomfort or pain in my knee when I finally sat on the edge of the bed. Having my leg supported and straight for nearly 2 weeks, my knee was very stiff. To my surprise it caused absolutely no pain what so ever when I bent it over the edge of the bed. It was actually quite the opposite. Finally being able to bend my knee was the best feeling EVER! All I had want to do for so many days was bend my knee. It was like a bad itch you can't scratch... for over a week... and then you finally hit just the right spot. All I could think about some days was how badly I wanted to bend my knee. It's funny how such a simple action made me the happiest girl in the world.

It's going to take quite a bit of time and practice before I'm getting around independently but I'm ready for the challenge. Bring it on!

1 comment:

  1. You are amazing Jen! You are truly an inspiration - and are the strongest person I know. I love your blog and will read often!

    Love you lots,


    P.S. Your 'first steps' video was awesome!
