Saturday 23 July 2011

One More Sleep

Words cannot explain how happy I am. I'M GOING HOME TOMORROW!!!!

Tomorrow will mark my 18th day post-opt. This may seem like a long time (and trust me, it was!) but I'm actually getting out much sooner than anticipated. If you were to look at my chart and read the post-opt instructions, it was believed that I would require 6 weeks bed rest (just bed rest, we're not even talking about the days after I'm up and out of bed). I've been defying the doctors' predictions and timelines since day one, so why stop now?! I'm not even suppose to be out of bed yet and I'm going home. Friends, family. Doctors, nurses. No one can believe just how fast I'm recovering and how soon after surgery I'm being discharged. Early or not, I'm ready!

As exciting as it is, being at home is going to take some getting used to. Being in the hospital for so long, where everything you do is very much set to a schedule, it's going to feel a bit strange at first breaking that routine. But I'm looking forward to my own bed, piece and quite in the evening, edible meals, privacy, freedom, the option to go outside, along with 100 other details both big and small.

Looking around my room now, I'm pretty settled into this place. I think it's going to take me a fair bit of time tomorrow to get everything packed up and moved out of here. Can't wait though!!!

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