Wednesday 3 August 2011

Pain in the Butt

It was about a week ago that I noticed a shift in my pain and discomfort. There hasn't been a big change in the amount of discomfort or the areas effected but something was different. I thought about it for a while and figured out what had changed. At least this is my theory, I'm not saying it's medically correct or anything.

All along, starting just days after surgery, I have had a sore butt. This had more to do with being on bed rest rather than the actual surgery. Over the past couple weeks a few things have changed. I'm no longer on bed rest, I was discharged from the hospital, I can roll onto my side and stomach and I get up to move around more often. All of this results in less time spent laying or sitting on my butt. It made sense that my pain and discomfort should be fading, at least a little bit. But it wasn't. There was little, if any, difference from how I felt the previous week. That is why I've decided the cause of my pain has shifted from sitting too much to more of a muscle pain.

Unfortunately, I can no longer look forward to standing up to relieve some of the pain because that will not work anymore. The new (yet the same) pain can be compared to how you generally feel two days after a really tough, extreme work out. A deep muscle ache that you can't massage out. Primarily through my butt but my right leg as well. As uncomfortable as it is at times I see this as a positive. Now that it's a muscle pain (I think) it seems more likely and "in reach" that the pain will begin to slowly fade.

For the time being I've been saying, "I'm not 100% sure what or where it is but my sacrum hurts" (because part of it was removed). Hopefully I can't say this for much longer.

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