Tuesday 30 August 2011

The Plate Shuffle

Every night it's one of two things, either dinner is set out on the kitchen table or everyone serves themselves from the pot(s) or pan(s) on the stove. In the case of the latter, after loading up my plate someone carries it to the table for me. It's kind of hard to do it myself on crutches. Today was different. What can I say, I'm stubborn.

After loading my plate with food I set it on the counter beside the stove. I then took one crutching step to the left. Now standing still and balancing on my left foot, I pick up my plate and set it down again as far left down the counter as I can. A couple more steps to the left now, passing right by my plate before I stop. I reach back, grab the plate and move it again. Two more plate moves and I've reached the end of the "L" shaped counter. Standing at the end of the counter I slide my plate up onto the breakfast nook that runs the length of the short arm of the "L". Hmmm the table is a little too far from the breakfast nook.

Just as I'm assessing the situation and planning my next move my brother walks by with his plate in hand and goes to pick up mine. I shout "NO!" (Possibly a little louder than I had intended) "... I'm so close". Everyone laughs a little but he leaves it be. Ok, back to getting my plate to the table.

I grab one of the bar stools from the breakfast nook, slide it out and spin it around so the seat is facing the space between me and the kitchen table. Perfect! I shuffle to the left a little further. I grab my plate and set it on the stool. Couple more steps. Last move, I'm almost there! With a satisfied smile on my face, I grab my plate with my right hand, shift it over to my left and set it down one last time onto the table. Viola!!!

Of course my brother has to ask, "are you going to put the stool back?" With a smirk I reply, "no you can. I don't need it anymore." It really only needed to be slid back in about 6 inches.

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