Saturday 10 March 2012

Physio: 100th Session

Thursday was my 100th physiotherapy session since being discharged from the hospital. There isn't enough time to sit hear and list everything that has changed since I started physio, what has improved, has become possible, or even too easy to do. It's amazing what the human body can relearn or find new ways of doing when the 'traditional' way is no longer an option. The difference between me 100 sessions ago and today is pretty incredible.

I've put on 20lbs since beginning physio and now have visible muscle definition. My energy level and strength have improved exponentially. I have amazing control over my right leg compared to when I started but there is still much room for improvement. Every once in a while I'll be doing an exercise or trying something new and there will be this moment of, "can you imagine doing this back at week one?" It's not even just that physically I wouldn't have been able to do the activity back when I started but it would have been hard to even imagine doing it one day in the future, at least this soon.

I still love everything about the clinic I am going to. I consider myself very lucky because after 100 sessions in just under 5 months, I could easily have been sick of the place and the people by now. I really couldn't have a more opposite feeling though. The entire staff is fantastic and really friendly. And not just those I've been treated by. The individual and collaborative knowledge at this clinic is amazing. Even with such a rare situation and unique reason for needing physiotherapy I feel very well looked after. They've created such a great space and positive atmosphere that I look forward to going even if I know I'm going to be "tortured" that day.

I look forward to my next 100 sessions and am interested to see how far I've come when I hit #200. I honestly have no guess as far as what I will be able to do come this time or what I'll still be working towards. There has been a lot of trial and error in my recover and there has never been a timeline. We'll just have to wait and see.

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