Saturday 31 March 2012

Totally Worth It

With a new season comes a change in footwear. As the weather warms up, out come the flats and flip flops. It often inspires the "need" to buy new shoes as well. If you combine the two, new shoes in a style you haven't worn for awhile, they will likely hurt to wear at first.

I bought new flats yesterday and wore them out knowing they would probably hurt/cut my feet by the end of the night. We've all been there. Right ladies? Just as I had anticipated, I ended up with a small cut on the back of my left heel. It made perfect sense seeing, for the most part, that's the foot I do all my walking with. Usually one spot in particular, or one foot over the other will cause the most pain.When this happens you end up favouring that foot to compensate. That's where I ran into a problem. I couldn't change the way I was walking to alleviate any of the pain. I had no choice but to continue walking the exact same way. I tried relying on my crutches a little more and could balance on them whenever I was standing still but that was about it. As far as breaking in new shoes go, it wasn't the worst. It was just frustrating not to be able to change up the way I was walking to make it feel a little better. Although, once the cut/blister is there, I don't know that there is ever really a way to make it feel better as you walk. We definitely try but I think generally speaking, we are only successful in making ourselves look funny as we hop or limp along, longing for the moment we get home.

After a couple more wears I think they will be comfy shoes that I'll end up wearing all the time. At least I hope so.

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