Friday 16 March 2012

Warning to Physiotherapists

Actions like this will not help change your profession's overall reputation/stereotype.

Personally, I love my physiotherapist. I can't say enough great things about her. There are, however, some unflattering labels some may use to describe physiotherapists in general. Examples would be names like "sadists" or comments such as "they torture you." These may be said jokingly or sometimes with some strong belief. But like I said, I'm a fan of mine. That's not to say there aren't days where I believe she's enjoying my pain, at least a little bit.

Earlier this week she had me working on abs. I had already done a couple sit-up variations and was moving on to the next set which was probably the most challenging/strenuous of those I was doing that day. They would have been tough to do just on the floor. Lucky me, I was also doing them on an incline. I started to struggle but was pushing through the pain. With just 3 left to go, I didn't get more than a couple inches off my back and basically fell back down. I gave it another attempt but it just wasn't happening.

That's when it happened. My therapist was so excited! I think this may have been the happiest I've ever seen her. Right up there with when I took my first steps with just one crutch but even more cheerful. This was the first time she had ever completely fatigued me. She definitely pushes me and I've struggled to finish sets before and on several occasions it has hurt to move the next day. But I've always managed to bear down and get through the exercise, whatever it is. Not this time. I think I made her day right then. Pretty sure she even did a little dance in the midst of her excitement.

So in moments like this, it's hard to argue with statements like "physiotherapists are sadists." If I wasn't completely convinced she was enjoying my pain then, it was confirmed the following day. I was in working with my rehabilitative Pilates instructor and as my physiotherapist told her what had happened the day before, you could see all the excitement and joy came back over her. I can't blame her. It was a first. And I still love her. Even with all the torturing.

I did finish that set. After giving me a minute to recover, she was great and encouraged me through the last 3 reps.

I think maybe I should add a small disclaimer to this post. Something along the lines of, "upon completion of reading this post, one is not allowed to torture me for writing it." Because I know she's going to read this.

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